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  • Clive Parish


Updated: Nov 11, 2020

‘Mudlarks’ took place on Saturday 13 July at the Ford Garden. The term refers to the black mud that covers much of the bottom of the River Ver and when good people pull out the reeds and weeds they tend to be bespattered – and so it was as the photo shows.

Many thanks to the stalwart volunteers who responded to Madeleine Sansom’s cry for help – the result of their efforts is a clear channel of water leading to the old ford beach on the Fishpool Street side of the river, making it look the way it should.

Madeleine has been managing the maintenance of the Ford Garden for many years and her efforts have resulted in the present impressively tidy garden.

Many of the long-standing volunteers are ageing fast and no longer have the strength to do the heavy work that’s occasionally needed, so it was great to see some younger muscles in operation.

Meanwhile, some of the more sedate volunteers weeded the flower bed and trimmed the shrubbery, which is the sort of work usually carried out at the monthly working parties.

Working parties are held on the third Saturday of each month from 10 am. Everyone is welcome to help.

Fortunately, James, the friendly park ranger, has often been lined up by Madeleine to remove piles of rubbish. On this occasion he had a particularly large mound to remove which he did most efficiently.

Another opportunity for voluntary gardening occurs every first Saturday of the month, from 10am at the Glossop Garden in Abbey Mill Lane.

But that’s a story for another day.


Mudlarks - volunteers clear the River Ver at Ford Garden


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