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  • FSRA


Updated: Dec 23, 2023

The terrible state of potholes and road markings was one of the top “Issues of Concern” raised by residents in our opinion poll last year.

At last, the appalling state of the road markings at the junction of Branch Road was fixed back in April. The potholes, however, have barely been touched.

Thanks to committee member Paul Owens, who recently carried out a street survey, a total of 19 problem potholes were then reported on Herts County Council’s website.

You can see them photographed here, along with a house number near where they’re located.

Annoyingly, only one was considered to warrant immediate attention – the crumbling cobbles at the entrance to Acquis Court.

The other 18 potholes, including the growing sink hole outside No 3, were not considered worthy of immediate attention, and will form part of some “future works programme”.

So, we’re asking residents to check the potholes listed here and to make a note of any near your home and email the committee if their condition worsens further. We’ll then pester the powers-that-be on your behalf.

NB - Herts County Council repairs criteria:

If the sunken depth is greater than 50mm the Council must repair it within 20 working days, or 5 days if it's also a narrow road. Anything more than 100mm must be rectified with 5 working days, or 2 hours if it is on a narrow road or blind bend.

STOP PRESS: December 1, 2023 - the double potholes outside No 58, on the bend and in the middle of the road, have been fixed (see photo 7 above). It's only a start - but a much needed repair directly in the path of so many vehicles!


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