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Updated: Aug 15, 2021

There was a massive response by Fishpool residents to the FSRA’s recent survey – and a great show of support for pedestrianisation of some city centre streets and other traffic calming measures closer to home.

We received 81 replies out of a total of about 110 addresses in Fishpool Street, an impressive participation rate of 73.6 per cent.

The results were as follows:

Proposal 1 George Street and Market Place should remain as permanent pedestrian areas, with direct vehicle access for deliveries restricted to specific off-peak times.

Agreed - 74 (92.5%) Disagreed - 6 (7.5%)


· Pedestrianisation only if all property owners agree.


· Air pollution in George Street and surrounding area has dropped dramatically since pedestrianisation.

Proposal 2 A new loading bay/drop-off area should be provided at the junction of Verulam Road and High Street to be used by pupils of St Albans School and for deliveries to local businesses.

Agreed - 75 (93.7%) Disagreed - 5 (6.2%)


· The drop-off for St Albans School should be no further away than this.

Proposal 3 High Street should remain a pedestrianised area for most of each day. However, to make the new drop-off/pick-up work in practice, licensed vehicles only (including school coaches) should be allowed through High Street at specific times using a controlled access system such as rising bollards.

Agreed - 66 (82.5%)

Disagreed - 14 (17.5%)


· Concern for the safety of pedestrians when vehicles have access.

· Local businesses should not be disadvantaged by the proposal.

· Of those opposed to the proposal some want 24-hour closure and some want no pedestrianisation.

Proposal 4 The Romeland coach loading bay should be replaced by 24-hour residents’ parking.

Agreed - 70 (88.6%)

Disagreed - 9 (11.4%)


· The space would be better used for (paid) parking for shoppers and cathedral visitors.

· Include bicycle racks to encourage cycling rather than driving.

· Improved traffic control signage in Romeland.

Proposal 5 To reduce the use of Spicer Street/ Fishpool Street as a ‘rat run’, the central section of Fishpool Street should be made one way east to west. This would reduce congestion along the Manor wall but allow two-way access to St Michael’s Manor, the Lower Red Lion and Aquis Court.

Agreed - 57 (72.1%)

Disagreed - 22 (27.8%)


· If implemented, improved speed control would be required.

· Make whole street one-way with Mount Pleasant in the opposite direction.

· West to east better for parking beside the raised footpath.

· A turning point would be needed where ‘No Entry’ takes effect.

Proposal 6

Vehicle weight restrictions should be imposed on the narrow streets in the conservation area with all HGVs requiring licences to enter.

Agreed - 72 (91.1%)

Disagreed - 7 (8.8%)


· Concern about access for deliveries and construction traffic.

Proposal 7 A 20mph speed limit should be imposed throughout the city centre and should be robustly enforced.

Agreed - 75 (93.7%)

Disagreed - 5 (6.2%)


· There would have to be better and stricter enforcement.

General Comment:

· These proposals do not work individually – only in combination.

If you have further comments or suggestions, please don't hesitate to email us at:


Published by

Fishpool Street Residents' Association.


Rosie Cinicolo

154 Fishpool Street

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